
Project Management
星期二, 2 月 18, 2025
* China - Beijing - 北京(Beijing)


联想文化,我们称之为 “We Are Lenovo”(我们,就是联想),其核心是:“说到做到,尽心尽力,成就客户”。

联想集团是一家年收入569亿美元的全球化科技巨头,位列《财富》世界500强第248名,服务遍布全球180个市场数以百万计的客户。为实现“智能,为每一个可能” 的公司愿景,联想在不断夯实全球个人电脑市场冠军地位的基础上,积极构建全栈式的计算能力,现已拥有包括人工智能赋能、人工智能导向和人工智能优化的终端、基础设施、软件、解决方案和服务在内的完整产品路线图,包括个人电脑、工作站、智能手机、平板电脑等终端产品,服务器、存储、边缘计算、高性能计算以及软件定义等基础设施产品。这一变革与联想改变世界的创新一起,共同为世界各地的人们成就一个更加包容、值得信赖的智慧未来。联想集团有限公司在香港交易所上市(港交所:992)(美国预托证券代号:LNVGY)。

欢迎访问联想官方网站 https://www.lenovo.com,并关注“联想集团”微博及微信公众号等社交媒体官方账号,或关注“联想招聘”公众号,获取联想最新动态。


岗位职责/Job Responsibilities:

1.Support GEOs & Own GEO Faced Communications

Act as the primary focal to GEOs’ daily requests support by working with cross function teams, keeping response in 24hrs until closure Own GEO faced communication platform(calls) including weekly ops call about product/operation/business, monthly GEO leader calls and different RTM ( route to market calls)

2.Drive Business

Work with GEOs to drive P&L in each quarter, ensure the CA, revenue, PCON meet budget and aspiration target. Work with GEOs to drive direct channel growth, leveraging consolidated resources or transformation support including new platform or tool built / quarterly data analysis per RTM with HW/none-HW analysis, pricing, margin details from segment direct focal. Co-work with segment direct focal to design/implement quarterly campaign focus per direct RTM Work with GEOs to drive strategic product growth, jointly drive sales volume to meet annual/quarterly target, the products including, ThinkBook, AMD products, strategic Halo product, service in SMB market.

3.Business Analysis

Data analysis and set up joint action plan with GEOs to drive the business., focusing on data interpretation and corresponding actions Dig out the opportunity of product needs to grow and formulate quarterly analysis BMS for public sharing Product competitive model analysis and drive next gen product direction by collaborating with PM

4.Manage Product & Portfolio at GEO Level

Work with PM about MRD communication and alignment with GEOs. Follow up of AR (e.g. spec/feature design feedback from Geos, business case) and progress of project development. Work with PM to ensure the product is the right offering in all GEOs. balance the GEOs request and provide consolidated feedback to PM about new product design on features, spec, config. Product disclosure discussion with GEOs, ensure PM provide the right and GEO needed information in disclosure. Product owner of each product to work with function teams and BMs to drive the sales volume. Drive Product launch plan with 4P coverage, meet BC commit during life-cycle and align on GtG transition cadences to maximize business performance。

岗位要求/Job Requirements:

1. At least 5 year+ work experience in PC industry or other related 3C industries.

2. Fluent in English is must-have.

3. Need very good communication skill, could find the root cause by critical thinking and strategic thinking.

4. Need good knowledge of PC hardware, software and related

5. Can take pressure under the very serious situation and responsive action to resolve issues


* China - Beijing - 北京(Beijing)
* China - Beijing - 北京(Beijing)
* China - Beijing
* China